Ek hoef julle nie daaraan te herinner dat ek mal is oor knutselry nie, en babagoed is my gunsteling. So genoeg gepratery, hier is iemand anders aan die woord:
I waited for weeks to do this post! But I had to wait for a certain little person to join us in this world, I wanted her mommy to see the gift before the wide wide world. My sis in law Christine and her Englishman became the proud grandparents of baby Leah on Saturday night. I spoke to Leah's Grammy yesterday evening, and was glad to hear both Leah and her Mommy are doing well, and they are home already.
I don't think I need to remind you that I love wool and needles, and baby things are a firm favourite of mine. But I said enough- here is someone else who wants to do the rest of the talking:
Hallo al die mense op die wêreld wye web wat kom kyk wat die Poplap met die Stoflap met haar brei en hekelnaalde doen! Ek is baba Leah se hasie. Eh hoop sy hou van my! Hoe dink julle? Sal sy? Sal sy? Ek weet sy's nog baie baie klein....
Hello to everyone on the world wide web! I am baby Leah's bunny. I hope she will like me. What do you think? Will she? Will she? I know she is still itty bitty...
Miskien as sy sien hoe viendelik ek is
Maybe when she see how friendly I am

Of as sy my mooi skoene sien.
or when she see my pretty pretty shoes.

Kyk hoe mooi strik maak my rok vas:
Look at the pretty bow tying my dress:

En my ronde wit hasie stertjie
And my fluffy round bunny tail

en ek is so effens verleë om vir julle te wys, maar kyk net my mooi strepies broekie!
I am a bit embarrassed to show you, but look at my lovely stripy knickers!

Oe, ek hoop sy hou van my! Maar ek dink sy sal, want Tannie Soekie was bereid om by my te sit vir 'n foto, en sy is 'n baaaaaie deftige kat.
Oh, I hope she likes me! But I think she will, because Aunty Soekie was willing to pose for a picture with me, and she is a very smart cat.
Kyk, hier is Leah se bersie:
Look, here is Leah's little blankie:
En haar hoed en skoene. Dis amper so mooi soos myne!
And her hat and shoes are almost as pretty as mine!
Hier is haar wit hoed en skoene. Hoekom het sy meer as ek! Wag, die tannie sê sy sal eendag vir my ookk nog maak as Leah groter is en sy wil my uit en aantrek. Ek dink die tannie is baie gaaf, maar die oom hier sê die tannie soek enige verksoning om met haar wol en naalde te speel....
Here's her white hat and shoes. Why does she have more than me! Wait, the lady says she shall make me some more when Leah is bigger, and she wants to dress me me up. I think the lady is very kind to offer, but her husband says she just needs an excuse to play with her yarn and needles some more...
Hier is nog 'n foto van die hoed:
Here's another picture of the hat:

en die allerliefste skoentjioes met hulle geborduurde blommetjies.
and the sweetest shoes with embroidered flowers.

Maar die skoene wat ek die graagste wil hê, is sulke rooies:
But these are the shoes I like best. Red shoes
met wit rosies.
with little white roses.
Die tannie sê 'n meisie kan nooit genoeg skoene hê nie. En ek stem saam! Die tannie sê sy het hierdie patroon gebruik vir die skoentjies, en dit net 'n bietjie aangepas vir die rooies. Die patroon vir die hoedjie het sy hier gekry, en die een vir die mussie hier. Hier is die patroon vir die kombersie. Die patroon vir 'n hasie soos ek het die tannie ongelukkig saamgeflans, en nie neergeskryf nie.
Miskien neem Leah se Mamma of Oumie haar af met van haar skoentjies en hoedjies, maar sy is nog so kleintjies dat ek dink alles gaan vir haar te groot wees. Hou duim vas dat sy van my hou!
The lady says a girl can never have to many shoes. I agree. The lady says she found the pattern for the shoes here, and adjusted it a bit for the red ones. The patterns for the hat is here. Here is the pattern for the blanket. The pattern for a bunny like me the lady concocted herself, and she didn't write it down.
Maybe Leah's Mommy or Granny will take some pictures of her wearing her hats and shoes, but she is still so tiny I think everything will be a bit big. Cross your fingers that she will like me!
Fluit fluit, ons storie is uit. Groete van my huis na joune.
That's it, for today. Greetings from your home to mine.
3 opmerkings:
Oh my, you are quite an artist with the needle! It would be hard for me to give that cute little rabbit away, she has such a sweet personality.
Thank you, Sherry. I must admit I was tempted to keep her. Even my mother in law said she would gladly give her a home!
Daai haas is vir my te cute. Praat nie eens van daai rooi skoene nie. Te mooi vir woorde.
Plaas 'n opmerking